Friday, June 22, 2007

In the Desert

So we’re headed out to Carlsbad Caverns, NM at the moment (which is mid-day on Thursday, June 21st). I woke up this morning at 7:30 AM in a Dairy Queen parking lot somewhere off of I-10 in West Texas and had to replace our heated fuel filter b/c we were losing pressure again. Dad, If you’re reading, we’re going to need another one of those when you meet us in LA next week. I’m 100% sure that it was that black grease we sucked out the Huddle House in Ruston, Louisiana. I should have aborted that effort as soon as I had to question whether or not we were sucking grease or Guinness Draught Ale. I completely drained the fuel filter housing during the filter change which gave us more problems later when we switched to Veggie. We spent 30 minutes or so on the side of the road purging air out of our fuel lines. This is getting to be pretty typical and we’re all becoming rather familiar with the ins and outs of Ole Don.

As I look out the windows I see flatness as we approach NM. Little bushes and cactus popping up here and there and its so very much different than the East side of this country. It’s supposedly 100 degrees out here but it doesn’t feel too bad. Carlsbad is only 100 miles or so away and we’re all stoked to see the caverns. More to come on the morrow.


1 comment:

Annette said...

I have been reading every day, and it sounds like you all are becoming experts in fixing the bus. By, the way i love the name. My only request, PICTURES please, I would love to see "the bus".
Have fun