Friday, June 22, 2007

Day 3

Day 3 was a bit of a maintenance day again mixed with a little bit of God telling us that He was once again, “in on it”. As we rolled into Austin, TX which was our first planned stop (some 1400 miles out of Raleigh) we noticed a drop in fuel pressure that would typically indicate something awry in the ________ You guessed it, the fuel system. We pulled of at our exit after traveling a few miles with our apparent problem and entered the small parking of a charming little café in an upscale suburb of Austin……. I jumped out of the bus to see grease spilling everywhere underneath the hood. “Shut err down Sexton!”, I yelled I my best Larry the Cable Guy voice. Long story becoming short is that we had blown a line in a place that was less than a simple fix and had to track down a master mechanic to get it fixed. We seriously had to come back the next day b/c the “great one” leaves early and none of the other guys wanted to attempt fixing our precious banjo fitting…….for the one person who knows what that is. We got it fixed and we’re back up and running now. We also fixed our front A/C unit and replaced a power inverter that we blew up somewhere in Mississippi I think.

So, a whole heap of thanks to God for holding it together until we reached a place where someone “the blessed Mark Renn” could carry us around to pick up parts. If this had happened anywhere else other than Austin, TX or a Lowe’s parking lot…..we’d have been in trouble.

Posted by Alan Wilser

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