Thursday, June 28, 2007

If the Bus Could Cuss.

So as it turns out; every day is a maintenance aboard Ole Don. We pretty much need to rework the entire fuel system as any original fuel line is a rupture waiting to happen. I suppose 160 degree fuel at a “higher than normal” pressure in ambient temps of 110+ doesn’t work well with 18 year old rubber hose. Who knew? We’ve recorded over a dozen breakdowns ranging from 20 minutes to 20 hours and we frequent Interstate shoulders as we overheat while scaling steep desert grades. It’s become our life and I’m starting to wonder what I’d do without the daily breakdown. I’d say Mr. Johnson has put up with quite enough over the past week. We’re just hoping this CAN will stay together for another two. I’m thinking about selling it somewhere in Washington State and just flying home. There is a constant swing in that I hate the bus and then 5 minutes later I love the bus. You’ve probably felt this way about your spouse, your kids, or perhaps even the cactus in your bathroom. Of one thing I am certain; if Don could speak to us he would have some horrible things to get off his chest or…..umm, his intake manifold? That’s an interesting question. If a bus could talk, which part would do the talking. I think the magic school bus had a mouth at the grill and let’s not forget Thomas the Engine……or is it Thomas the Train. Matthew Ramsey could tell us. God painted a lovely sunset this evening as we moved North through Arizona. The frequent overheats allowed ample time to climb the highway corridors and take in all the beauty.

Tomorrow…….the grand canyon awaits us so we’ll have to leave the blog world for a few days. Look forward to our return sometime around Thursday evening.

Much love,

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