Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Oregon was a happy time!

I find myself among mountains, ocean, and huge trees soaring towards the sky as if they were eager to be higher. The temperature is mild as we hover in the low 70s even in the dead of summer. Night time temps near the 40s and when you stay outside that makes for some comfortable sleepy time. I’m talking about a little place called Oregon…..where the beer flows like wine.

We just spent a day on the Oregon coast here with Nate Anderson’s parents and I was very much flabbergasted at the beautiful sea life that teems at the water’s edge. The contrast is vast as compared to the coast of NC. We walked into the heart of a huge rock the size of a 4 story mansion and dodged the waves as they punched through a hollow tunnel underneath this massive geological wonder. Each tidal pool in the rocks was filled with sea anemones and huge starfish. The anemones boasted neon green tentacles and the starfish were red, green, or orange and some spanned as much as 14” in diameter. I felt as if I had stumbled into an aquarium exhibit and the marine biologists were about to come around the corner and kick me out for climbing past those little felt ropes. It was totally legit though and we absorbed it like fresh air as it truly was one of those rare places that the government has not yet whored out as a tourist trap. There is something pure and beautiful about experiencing God’s wonders by yourself or with a small group. It’s almost the same feeling that I have about wanting to be alone with Casey. It’s almost as if God is trying to impress me…….if that’s not too weird.

Check out some Oregon.

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